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Good afternoon Club Members

I hope you and your families are all keeping safe and well and have coped well, apart from the obvious korfball withdrawal, over the past few months.

Well, fear not, KORF is BACK !! (only in the form of chatting about it unfortunately.....)

Despite being a little later in the year than usual, our exciting Annual General Meeting is back.

Tuesday 7th July @ 7.45pm

The meeting, like most things these days, will take place over a Zoom call.

If you would like to join, please email committee@croydonkorfball.com for the details.

Anna and Dom have recently attended the LKA AGM where next season was discussed.

I'm sure you'll want to join us to find out, not just what's happening within YOUR CLUB (of which you are part of and have a vested interest), but also with the local and national leagues too.

So, dial up come and say hello and be an active member of YOUR CLUB.

Any questions, please let either myself or Dom know.

Thanks and see you on the 7th.

CKC Secretary

Story by Susan
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